Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Thank the heavens

the CWPW is, as Brandi says, "just going through a period of adjustment," and is still, in fact, quite alive, no thanks to me! Some recent spurring on by our blog gave me quite a productive day- I assembled ten poetry submissions to various journals around the country. I haven't recieved a rejection in weeks. . .i definitely feel a void. :) I'm used to rejection on a daily or at least weekly basis; junk mail just doesn't do it for me. I need the extremely light, almost transparent envelope with my familiar address label to leap from my mailbox and say, "try again! try again!" over and over. I'm at a loss without it.

I'm feeling better and not so tired today. I think I need more calories- I crashed and burned yesterday. It wasn't pretty. Unfortunately, Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass section 53 (I think. . .) was the only casualty. Somehow, while reading Plato's Book X of the Republic, however, things were much more clear than ever before. Loonginus' "On the Sublime" wasn't half bad either, the part that I wrangled through anyway. Bizarre, though then again, not really.

1 comment:

Scott Glassman said...

you are chugging out submissions . . go Kenzie! it's a good feeling, lots of balls up in the air.