Friday, March 20, 2015


It's day 20 of the Tupelo Press 30/30 challenge wherein several slightly insane poets like me try to write 30 poems in 30 days. Today's NY Times word of the day is centigrade, which couldn't probably be a less traditionally poetic word, which means I love and embrace it as a challenge. The definition itself has some great ideas in it from which I will happily steal.


it's all about water 
the 100 steps 
it takes to freeze
or evaporate

100 hues of red
blood to fire engine
crust you follow too closely
eggshell you didn't count on

water is blue
when it freezes to tightly
the closest end of zero
where I fell for you

the dialect of a name
when I almost forgot
how to count the stairs (up and down)
by holding on too tightly

vermillion and blue
the 100 sounds the wind makes
when it bends things
birth again and again and once again

it doesn't have to be 
a love poem
and usually 
its not even close

but we are moving
like water through
the 100 steps up
and 100 steps back down again

1 comment:

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